VPNAVY VP-8 Reunion
VPNAVY Address

ReunionVP-17 ReunionsReunion


ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-17 Reunion - June 23 - 25, 2017 at NAS Pensacola, Florida..." Contributed by CARTER, Bob bobcarter55@me.com [20FEB2017]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VA(HM)-10 / VP-17 (Years 1957 through 1963) will hold its Reunion September 4-7, 2008 in Seattle, WA. Please contact Jim Poore jimdawgpor@aol.com for further information..." Contributed by Jim Poore jimdawgpor@aol.com [19MAY2008]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-17 1970-75 Alumni Reunion Number 3 will take place 15-17 June 2007 in Colorado Springs, CO. See our Reunion WebSite at http://www.ghspaulding.com/2007_reunion.htm or contact Gerry Spaulding at gerkar@adelphia.net...Gerry Spaulding, CAPT, USN (Ret) gerkar@adelphia.net..." [12OCT2005]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...Anyone that was in VP-17 from 1970-1974 and is interested in attending and/or help organize a "VP-17 Reunion" contact me or Jim Soukup (coupester@yahoo.com). Tentative plans are to have it sometime this year (2005), ideally in the fall, in LasVegas. Any suggestions and thoughts on pulling this off would be appreciated...WOLFF, AE3 Steve "Woofy" ssloslobo@aol.com..." [11FEB2005]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-17 is holding a Reunion for all squadron alumni from the 1970 to 1975 era in Pensacola 24-26 September 2004. For details, contact me directly or visit http://www.ghspaulding.com/VP-17homepage.htm...Gerrry Spaulding gerkar@adelphia.net..." [16JUL2002]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-17 P2V 1957-1962 Reunion in Colorado on October 4-6, 2002...Tom Gilbert tgilbert000@cogeco.ca..." [16JUL2002]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-17 Reunion - Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey, CA - APril 2 through 4, 20001..." GOTO: VP-17 Alumni Association (Circa 1963-1969) Information Page [01DEC2000]

ReunionsREUNIONs: Reunion Posting Removed By Request - Informal "Get-Together Only" [Updated 28AUG2000 | 21JUL2000]


ReunionsREUNIONs: "...San Francisco 20-24 May 1999 for PB4Y '99. Liberator and Privateer guys/gals, attend your own squadron reunion first. If you can't do that, then make good use of your limited time as many others have from the 50+ PB4Y squadrons and share those PB4Y Experiences with others who "speak" PB4Y. No translation necessary! All family, grandkids (Free & 1/2 price!) and friends are welcome! Please contact Ron Sathre (son of deceased Plane Captain Ray Sathre, VPB-121), Int'l PB4Y Association, 31262 San Andreas Drive, Union City, CA 94587-2856 (510) 487-PB4Y to register today. Visit the website for more information..." Contributed by PB4YGuy@aol.com WebSite: http://www.PB4Y.com [03MAY99]

ReunionsREUNIONs: [Shipmate Requested Reunion Notice Removal 09FEB2004 | 08APR99]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...I am sponsoring VP-17 Reunion with mostly Vietnam era officers in Pensacola on 10/10/98. Send EMail for details....Bill Overend woverend@na.ko.com..." [19JUN98]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "03MAY96--VP-17/VAHM-10 on May 3-5 '96 at San Diego, CA Contact: Erwin Goschke, 486 Skyhill Ct. Chula Vista, CA 91910, 619-482-8556 Source: Shift Colors Fall 1995 " http://home.earthlink.net/~cybernav/reunion.htm

"VP-17 Summary Page"