VU-5 Mishap
MISHAPs: 22 MAY 52 A/C JD-1 Location: NAS Agana, Guam. Emergency landing UE#17. Wheels up landing because of a missing cotter pin that would not let the front wheel come down. Pictures came from my Dad's (Carl Donald Comer - passed away February 1, 2018) personal collection while serving with VU-5. Contributed by Donna Comer Pursifull [07JUL2018]
1st ROW - LEFT to RIGHT: Wrecked plane duty crew Bondurant Shafer Comer Fritz Brown, Guam navy photo of damaged plane with Dad back, Guam navy photo of damaged plane with Dad, Plane after wheels up landing and Plane after wheels up landing.
2nd ROW - LEFT to RIGHT: Pilot and crew of skid landing, Pilot and crew of skid landing back with pilot details, Runway after wheels up landing, Runway after wheels up landing back and Plane after wheels up landing.
3rd ROW - LEFT to RIGHT: Campbell head of VU5 back, Campbell head of VU5, Guam navy photo of damaged plane and Guam navy photo of damaged plane back.