Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Company Miscellaneous
BOOKs: Title: "Lockheed P2V Neptune An Illustrated History" [Chapter 16 Army 'Crazy Cats'] by Wayne Mutza Schiffer Military History Book...ISBN: 0-7643-0151-9...286 pages full of pictures and history!
BOOKs: Title: "COFFEE ON THE WING BEAM-Memories of the P2V Neptune" By Capt. Brian McGuiness USNR (Ret.). (Coffee On The Beam Order Form) From Operation Market Time in Vietnam to the latter days of the Cold War, with vignettes of the Pueblo seizure, the earlier Korean War, the Truculent Turtle, and all eight models of the venerable P2V Neptune aircraft. The author recalls the excitement, luck, redeemable stupidity, brilliance and shenanigans that made up the modus operandi of patrol aviation. Knights of the Red Branch Press, P.O. Box 296, Clearlake, WA 98235-0296. 140pp of text, maps and illustrations, and 16pp of photographs. Paperback $11.95 plus $3 shipping/handling. Contact author for Brochure and ordering information at (360)856-4010. [Price Updated 05DEC2001 | 10SEP98]
"...Coffee On The Wing Beam is SOLD OUT. I don't intend to produce a 3rd printing. I am (the author) NOT the seller of used copies of the book as promoted and priced on at over $100 per copy. I hope no one buys any of them..." Contributed by Captain Brian McGuiness [10MAR2010]
"...I just released a "second printing" in larger format! It is now available for ordering (Coffee On The Beam Order Form)..." [05DEC2001]
"...First printing sold out: Contact Knights of the Red Branch Press to have your name placed on a mailing list for notice of the second printing sometime in 2001. Sorry, I don't have any idea at this time of the future cost...Brian McGuiness..." [21JUN2000]
SIMULATORs: Description: AP-2E Neptune "CEFLIEN LION" Crazy Cats/Army ( Download: WebSite: Simulation [31OCT2001]
"Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Company Summary Page"