Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Shipmates
ATWELL, Tom "...I was an Army Specialist 4th Class, engine mechanic, with the Crazy Cats from 1971 to 1972. I was there when we closed down in the Naval Air Station, and part of us left for Phu Bia and me with the others, moved into Bear Cat Country in early 1972. Great bunch of people, great memories, and still best bud with another Crazy Cats, David Drum. Retired from the Army after over 23 years..." [31JUL2010]
AUKER, Charles Michael "...I started my Military Career with the "Crazy Cats"! After two tours with the RP2V's I went on to Rotor-Wing for another 21 years. I retired a Senior Warrant Officer, CW3, in 1997. I now work as a inspector for the Department of Defense..." [25APR99]
BAKER, Gregory "...I served with the Crazy Cats. I was with the crew that brought the aircraft back to the states..." [07MAR2012]
BARNES, Michael "...I trained with VP-31 at NAS North Island, San Diego, California in late 67 and then went to NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. I served with the 1st Radio Research Company (U.S. Army). I enjoyed my time with VP-31..." [02FEB2003]
BELL, CW4 James A. (Jim) Army Retired "...Trained with NAS North Island, San Diego, California Detachment of VP-31 in 1967. Transpac'd w/Crazy Cats - 1st Radio Research Company in June 1967 to NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. Flew the P2 Neptune until March 1968. Had Navy mechs and Navy LT w/us to keep us straight. Great bunch..." [31DEC2005]
BROWNING, Thomas "...Hey eveyone. I'm looking for any of the guys who were at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam with me during 1970 to 1971 (Crazy Cat's 1st Radio Research Company). It was a great bunch of guys and a great time going to the Philipines..." [24FEB2004]
CALDERA, Chico "...I served with the Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Company in early 1972 til they stood down, then moved to Long Than, served with Thomas Atwell and Dave Drum. I found Brian Bergholtz, Tom and Brian and myself shared a room. Great bunch of guys..." [13APR2011]
CARVALHO, Joe "...Served with the Crazy Cats from February 1968 through February 1969 on the operations side as a ditty bopper. Good memories of the long missions over Laos and along side NVN..." [08JUN2000]
CONLEY, Mike "...I served with the Crazy Cats as a Plane Captain on P2s from February 1971 to 1972. We flew long missions over Laos, Cambodia, and of course the North. Shot at landing in Danang one night and bracketed by 37mm another. The pilots and the plane were good. One crew of pilots let me fly the plane while they took a break in back for a while, loved that! I flew 485 (485 was in Fort Rucker, Alabama so maybe that was not the tail # I took to Gifu) as the PC to Gifu, Japan via PI, Taipei. Had to replace a generator in Taipei, took 3 days, damn. It's a miracle we got off the ground as everyone had bought records, and books and our bags weighed a ton..." [08AUG2004]
CORNELIUS, Len "...Was in Crazy Cat's (U. S. Army 1st Radio Research Company) in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968. Also in Georgia and Marana Air Park. Any motor pool or MPs out there?..." [17AUG2006]
DAVIS, Roy "...I served with the Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research (1967-1969) as a radio operator..." [22AUG2013]
DRUM, David "...I served with the Crazy Cats (06/1971-Disestablishment 1992). I was in the Engine Shop with Tom Atwell and Chico Caldera. Made a lot of maintenance flights to the Philippines and Japan. Went to Long Tanh after the unit stood down and packed up U-8's for shipment back to the states. I am a retired cop from Statesville, N.C. and former Director of Security for Dale Earnhardt, Inc. in Mooresville, N.C..." [15JUN2012]
DUE, William "...I served with Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Company as Executive Officer and now retired living in San Antonio, TX..." [06JAN2009]
EIKELBERGER, Jerry "...I served with the 1st Radio Research Company (01/1969-02/1970) as the Aviation Supply Sgt. I have many fond memories of those days..." [26MAR2012]
EVANS, CWO Jerry "...I flew the P2 with the 1st Radio Research Company NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam from Sep1971 thru March of 02 as A CWO Army..." [01FEB2005]
FLANAGAN, CWO Robert J. Retired "...I was assigned as Controller (not a pilot; an intel op) on Crazy Cat opns out of CRB in '68 and '69. I've just discovered this website, not having been on the net very long, but note some irregularities in some of the history. Small things but might be interesting to someone who gives a rat's rump, i.e., lots of confusion over CRAZY CAT vs CEFLIEN LION. Same outfit, same mission; sometime in '68 NSA imposed their trigraph lettering names on all ASA programs. One of the trigraphs assigned for use was CFL. Since there was already a patch with CRAZY CAT's famous kitty, brainstorms were generated to create a name utilizing the CFL trigraph and keeping the same sense of the outfit. Someone (I believe in the 224th Bn) bastardized "Sea Flying (Pegasus) Lion (kitty)" into CE FLIEN LION (CFL). The first two syllables were somehow merged, and we became CFL. The 1st RR resisted the name change as long as we could, but were finally forced to accept the will of the almighty from Meade. Like to hear from anyone who was there then or at times I was with other units in-country: 3rd RRU Air Section, 8/64- 3/65; S3, Hqs Co, 224th Avn Bn, 9/68-12/68. Also visited around all the four corps companies (138/144/146/156) as part of a standardization team with an instructor pilot. Also with White Birch 3/64-8/64. Mail: POB 100, Yellow Spring, WV 26865 Phone/Fax: (304) 856-3866 Interested in all contacts; working on a book which includes Crazy Cat activities..." [11FEB2000]
"...FOURNIER, Dennis...To all you Crazy Cats out there, I have a bit of bad news. One of your comrades, Dennis Fournier, just passed away from cancer this weekend 12/3/99. I worked with Dennis at Lockheed Martin in Denver CO. We found out, that while I was in the Navy, stationed at NAS North Island, San Diego, California, VP-31, from June 1969 to Jan. 1972, he went through the P2V training there. He found a P2V Neptune book in a hobby store and we spent may hours talking about our adventures with that bird, espically after we found this web site. I am not sure if he contacted any of you guys via Email, if he did, I am sorry to give you the bad news. Dennis was a great guy and I will miss him...Dan Schneider" [24MAR98]
FOWLER, Bill "...I served with the Army 1st Radio Research from December 1971 to April of 1972 at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam as a SP4 35L and 35R avionics tech on the RU8D's - when things started winding down I moved to the 146th avn Co (RR) and finally to the 138th avn Co (RR). I stayed there till December 1972 when I left Viet Nam. Met some fine people, would not trade that time of my life for anything!..." [23MAY2011]
"...FULBRIGHT, Billy...Billy Fulbright, an original P2 Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Company, died on 4 May 06 of kidney problems. I attended the viewing and the funeral. He was buried at the National Cemetery in Fort Sam Houston, TX on 9 May 06. Farewell to a great guy and outstanding pilot. He will be missed...James A Bell" [15MAY2006]
GEDDES, SFC Ralph Retired "...I served with the Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Company (03/1971-07/1971)..." [17FEB2014]
GREGORY, Anthony "...I served with the 1st Radio Research Company (1969-1970) as a linguist..." [19SEP2016]
HAMER, SFC Bob Retired "...I served with the 1st Radio Research Company (04/1971-11/1971) Mission Crew and 138th AVN Co (12/1971-08/1972). Great reading about fellow CRAZY CATs and a shout out to Gary Knapp..." [09APR2013]
HELMKE, AK3 Harry F. II "...I served aboard NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam (06/1967-06/1968) with a brief TAD to the Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research. I worked in the Building Supply Department and also in the Aviation Supply Department with John Reynolds, Dennis Dahl, Gene Hackney and others..." [21APR2013]
HOLLINSWORTH, AWC Jack Retired "...I started my VP tours with VP-2 in Feb 1956, I ended my tours with VP-1 in NOV 1981. In between there was VP-17, VP-31, VP-19 CRAZY CATS [ARMY], ASWOC P.I., and ASWOC School Dam Neck. Would like to hear from anyone who knew me or has heard of me. Retired from the Navy in Nov 81 and retired from construction Nov 98..." [21FEB99]
HONEYCUTT, Jim "...I served with the 1st Aviation Company (Radio Research) (1968-1969) and finished my tour as Shop Chief of the Electric Shop. I am still in contact with many of our brothers. Retired from FAA in 2003 and worked odd jobs since until wiping out my back in Afghanistan. I am now living in FL and would love to hear from any "Crazy Cats"..." [15JAN2011]
JENISCH, Gary J. "...I served with the Crazy Cats from concept to NAS North Island, San Diego, California to NAS Jacksonville, Florida to Marana to deployment in June 1967. I was discharged June 1968. Worked in the flight officers building running logbooks and scheduling flights and maintenance on birds. Now living in Inman, SC and would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [14SEP2013]
JOSEPH, James "...Howdy to all the 1st Radio Research Company. I was stationed there 68-69. I sure wonder what has happened to all of us. I have run into and seen some old friends but still have a lot more out there..." [23MAR2001]
KIDD, E5 David A. "...I served with the US Army 1st Radio Research Company (12/1970-07/1972) at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam and flew as Plane Captain aboard the P2 and then to Phu Bai as Sgt of Guard of Army Airstrip there..." [19MAR2016]
KIPP-McGUIRE, James aka "Mac" McGuire "...Would really like to hear from some of the folks who were there in 68-69..." [02FEB2001]
KNAPP, Gary D. "...Flew as a controller in Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research, U.S. Army P2s from August 1968 to January 1969. Loved it so much, I applied for flight school while stationed at Arlington Hall in the IG Office. Completed flight school in June 1971, returned to RVN as a pilot with 138th in Phu Bai. After a break in service from 1975 to 1983, returned to active duty and retired in 1991. Loved the old ASA and all of its troops. They were the absolute best. Reunion in Las Vegas in Oct 2005 with several members of the 1st Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research there. One was a Lockheed tech rep that served with us. Can't believe that it has been almost forty years as it seems like only yesterday..." [14APR2006]
KRUCHOSKI, Michael Paul "...Don't ask what led me to find this site tonight. I guess I was just looking over a photo of myself and Rick Freeman out on the flight line, and I started wondering if I might find any info about others I knew from the Crazy Cats. I was a linguist with the Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research from about May 1970 to March 1971 My memory is pretty poor, so it's hard to recall many of the guys I knew back then. I see Steve McCoy is listed here. I roomed with Skip Altman, who ended up at Ft. Hood, TX, as I and a lot of others did after Vietnam. Let's see, anyone know where Bob Price or Jeff DeTurk are? I eventually retired from the Air Force and settled down in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1993..." [E-Mail Updated 11FEB2018 | E-Mail Updated 01MAR2014 | E-Mail Updated 09JUN2007 | 06APR2007]
MARTELL, Dennis "...I was involved in the Crazy Cats mission in 1969. I was with the Army Security Agency. I arrived in country July 1969, attached to the 5 Mech div. (406 RRD). March 1969 I was one of 12 people assigned to Hill 180 in support of the Crazy Cat mission. The mission was for survalance of our own troops and other friendly's. I never got to thank the Navy Captian, in charge of the Crazy Cats mission, for giving me an out of country R&R to Sydney, for the quality of work with the Crazy Cats Mission. I would like to thank everyone that was involved in that program. Hundreds of thousands of troops were not casualities of friendly fire because of the insight of our commanders to impliment a joint military operation for the purpose of saving lives of our fighting troops in the field..." [E-Mail Updated 13DEC2012 | 12MAR2010]
MAYNARD, Truman "...I served with the 1st Aviation Company (Radio Research) and with VP-31 at NAS North Island, San Diego, California in early 1967. We deployed to Vietnam in June 1967..." [17NOV2009]
McCOY, Steven Reid "...I served with the USASA at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, 1st Radio Research Company, from September 1969 - April 1971 as a 98G2L80 (VN linguist-Voice Intercept Op). Would sure like to hear from any of the guys that served with me!..." [21OCT2006]
McKINLEY, Clark "...I was a member of the 1st Aviation Co. at Ft. Benning, Ga. when the 1st.Radio Reasearch Co. (Avn) was formed. Went to VN with them in 67. I was one of two GI's that went by ship approximatelly one month before the rest of the unit flew over to CRB. I rotated back June 1968..." [17DEC99]
MOYE, Frederick V. "...Served with Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Company at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam (1969) Was NCOIC of Electronic Maintenance. (Mission Gear) Was also on flight status, flew many missions as the Maintenace Tech. More than once I had to crawl into the bomb bay to replace and repair equipment there as well as the nose. This was very scarry for army guy that had not flew much prior to arriving in country. I also am guilty of screwing up some in flight meals I prepared. Lived in the Chief's barracks. The Navy Chief's treated this old army sergeant well and taught me how to party. We had some great times in the Chief's Lounge. Take care and God Bless all that served with Crazy Cat. Sergeant Major Retired..." [28JAN2009]
LINDSEY, Dan "...I was with the U. S. ARMY Crazy Cat's till April 1969. We had our Reunion a few years ago and I'm glad that I went. It was great seeing every one after all those years. It was an experence seeing that plane I had flown in so many years ago. My thanks to all the people who made that possible..." [12JAN99]
LINK, James "...I served with Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Company from 1970 to December 1971 (Engine Powerplant/Tech Inspector)..." [08JAN2009]
LUNDEBY, CWO2 Kenneth W. c/o His Son Luther J. Lundeby "...My father, CWO2 Kenneth W. Lundeby,US Army, flew P2Vs with the 1st Radio Research Company out of NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam around 1967 or 1968. I just wanted to let everyone know how proud I am of my Dad and what he did for his country. If you look up "man" in the dictionary you'll find his picture in the margin. His aircraft was attacked while flying over North Vietnam on Easter Sunday and a rocket tore a huge hole through his wing. He brought that aircraft and the entire crew safely back without any loss of life. He never got a medal for his heroic action but he sure deserved one..." [08OCT2002]
NALLEY, Gene "...I was not Navy, although at times I thought I was. I was in the army with the "Crazy Cats" at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam from 1968 to 1969. Seeing the pictures and tail numbers of the P2Vs assigned to us sure brought back a lot of memories. Would like to hear from anyone stationed on the "Army/Navy side" during that time period. Thanks!..." [E-Mail Updated 30APR2004 | 24JAN99]
NELSON, Reginald "Reggie" "...I served with Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Company as a Viet lingie in 1968-1969. I flew as an operator and as a Mission Sup. I bunked with Charles Trubenstein. I CRS a lot of names but I have orders with names etc. Anyone out there during my time?..." [19JAN2009]
NELSON, Richard Sr. "...I was one of the first Enlisted Crew Member Mechanic, and Plane Captain. I was a Maintenance Supervisor on last trip to start with the US ARMY Crazy Cats/1st Radio Research Company. We were picked from the Ft Benning, GA (C-7A group). We did our HYD, J-34 and R-3350 systems training at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. We staged and tested equipment in Arizona. Received our flight training VP-31 in NAS North Island, San Diego, California. Transpac to Vietnam via Hawaii and the Philippines with US Airforce C124 Chase and supply ship aircraft. I was assigned with the unit from 1966 through 1968 and 1970 through 1971. So long-ago!..." [30JUN2001]
PAIGE, William "Bill" "...I served with the Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Company (07/1969-06/1970)..." [13FEB2014]
"...PATTIN, AWC Virgil E...(VP-1, VP-2, VP-22, VP-31, VP-42, VP-48, FAETUPAC, First Radio Research Co., ASWOC and ASCAC) - I am sorry to report that Virgil Pattin, AWC, 1957-1960, passed away this past Monday at his home in El Cajon, CA. A Memorial Service is planned for Monday, November 19 in Santee, CA. If you would like to contact Ruthie her address is: 319 Richardson Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020, (619) 328-6838..." Contributed by GOODMAN, AWCS Edward E. (Ed) Retired [18NOV2012]
PATTIN, AWC Virgil E. Retired "...I served my first tour on board the USS Wasp, then got lucky and was transferred to VP-48 in January 1957. I stayed till 1960 and became the first JEZ operator on the west coast. Helped decommission GMGRU 1 (Guided Missile Group ONE) at NAS Point Mugu, California. Went to FAETUPAC and had a blast in ASW. Went to VP-42 and helped transistion to the P2V-5's. Got some schooling at NATTC Memphis, Tennessee then off to VP-31. Got a short tour of sea duty while on shore duty with First Radio Research Co. (US Army) in 1967, great bunch of guys. Went to VP-2 where I was the last guy to make chief before the squadron decommissioned in 1969. Off to VP-1 just in time to deploy back to NAS Iwakuni, Japan. Did a tour of ASCAC (Anti-Submarine Classification and Analysis Center) at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, transisioned to the P-3's and did my final tour in VP-22. Was stationed at NAS North Island, San Diego, California, NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, MCAS Iwakuni, Japan, NS Sangley Point, Philippines, and NAS Cubi Point, Philippines. Had a fun time in all the VP Squadrons. The best time in the navy was flying radio in the P5M 1 & 2's. Would love to hear from any of the old "Pig Boat" Sailors..." [E-Mail Updated 28JUN2002 | E-Mail Updated 31AUG2001 | E-Mail Updated 08JUL2000 | E-Mail Updated 31MAY2000 | 06JUN99][ICQ# 7699287]
PIPITONE, ADRC Nicholas F. Retired "...I was a TAR on duty when VP-872 was called up. One of my Shipmates, Bob Worley, then an ADR1 was called up with the sqdrn. I knew many of the folks at the NAS Oakland and the NARTU NAS Alameda, California VP Units since I accompanied the Sqdrns on their annual ACTUTRA. I transferred from NARTU NAS Alameda, California to NAS Twin Cities, Minnesota in Aug of 1965. It makes me proud to see this Page finally come to be. It's long over due. Very little is known about the Reserve VP sqdrns and the contribution they have made to the National Security. I retired at NARTU NAS North Island, San Diego, California where we relieved the VP-31 det training Army Pilots and crews in the P2E. Regards Nick (Pepe) Pipitone ADRC Ret. Current Phone 314-724-3443 work 314-429-1006 X150 STL FSDO I'm currently employed with the FAA as a Principal Operations Inspector. I would warmly welcome any correspondence from those who remember me...transferred to NARTU NORIS in June of 1970 where were training Army (Crazy Cats) in the P2E's. We continued until the program phased out. It was an enjoyable experience working with the Army Folks. I served as a NATOPS Plane Captain/Flight Crew Instructor during that period, and was also assigned to Quality Assurance. I thoroughly enjoy this page and locating old friends" [E-Mail Updated 26OCT2000 | BIO Updated 18JAN99 | 21SEP98]
PRICE, SP5 Bill "...I served with 1st RR Company (05/1970-11/1971) at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam as a 98G (Voice Intercept Operator) and the 8th RRFS (12/1969-05/1970)..." [31AUG2019]
RICKEL, AFCM Don Retired "...I served with VR-8 from 1964 to 1967, VP-31 Det Alpha in 1967, Crazy Cats in 1967, VP-30 in 1968, VP-10 from 1968 to 1972, NAS Brunswick, Maine AIMD from 1972 to 1975, VP-8 from 1975 to 1980, CPW-5 from 1980 to 1883: SEA in 1983, VP-11 from 1983 to 1985 and NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1985 to 1992. I can't seem to leave NAS Brunswick, Maine so starting working for Public Works in the Environmental Division in 1993, retired from PW Environmental in 2006 and moved to Viera, Florida in 2014. Nothing better then my years in the U.S. Navy especially the VP community..." [E-Mail Updated 13SEP2023 | E-Mail Updated 24FEB2010 | 01DEC2000]
ROGERS, David "Bucky" "...I served with the 1st Radio Research Company at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam in 1969-70. Interested in making contact with anyone who served in ASA's most unique unit flying the Army's most unique aircraft. Some clarification concerning the various OPNAMES for this unit: CRAZY CAT was the project name under which the unit was formed and trained at FT Huachuca, AZ. On deployment, the unit was given its OP NAME of CEFLIEN LION. However, Because no one knew what "ceflien" meant (it's an obscure word referring, I think, to a color) and because of our insignia (which actually depicted MGM's Tom Cat, not the original Crazy Cat by George Herman), the original name stuck and remained in general, if not official, use until the unit was deactivated. As a matter of interest, one of the CRAZY CAT aircraft (tail number 131485) is on display at the US Army Aviation Museum at Ft Rucker, AL..." [13AUG2000]
SEARGEANT, SFC James Retired "...I served with 1st Radio Reserach Company (1969) at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. I worked nights as an Airframe Repairman, Company Clerk and Mail Clerk working with MAJOR Fentress and 1SG Jacoby. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 23APR2016 | 14AUG99]
SMITH, E-5 Richard J. (Smitty)> "...I was a member of the original 1st RR Company forming in Fort Benning, GA in December 1966, than to Marana Air Park, AZ and on to NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. I was sent to Fort Benning, GA from Fort Lee, VA after graduation from Quarter Master Cook School. My self and three other cooks were told that we had special orders to get to Fort Benning, GA immediately. There was no flights, trains, or buses going to GA. So we took a "TAXICAB" which cost us $95 each and a very long ride in the cab. When we arrived at Fort Benning, GA there was no Unit and the base Commander put us in the transit barracks. The Commander said he had no information of a ASA Unit. A couple of days later three more men showed up. I forgot how long we went with out any other troops, we had fun going to the EM Club. Until one day we were sleep, the next morning there was a lot of noise and there it was over two hundred troops. I worked as a cook and military ploiceman, guarding the P2, out post, and headquarters. I was in the U.S. Army Security Agency which turned into 1st Radio Research (Crazy Cat) from 1966 to 1968. I ets in June 1968 Specialist E5 and went back to my job on Wall Street for Chase Manahattan Bank. In 1969 I went to work at a Large Department Store chain (J.W. Mays, Inc.) as an Executive Accountant, and changed careers in 1973 in Computer Service and Telecommunications which I'm still presently doing in my own business and member of Home Land Security. I had some wonderful years with the Crazy Cats and rode the P2 many times with Col Mac. We had a great bunch of guys and we all stuck together and when I had a chance I kept them well fed with the Navy and Air Force rations in those big consolidated mess halls. I was assigned to the suicide squade to help protect the base if attacked. Did guard on a mail run out in the boonies with Spc 4 Collier. Myself, the other cooks, and military ploice had to take to the fox holes along the perimeter fence at our Naval Compound in NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam during the Tet offensive of 1968 to protect the rest of the troops and air craft on the base and calling Defense Control of the action. I still have many memories of my tour and will never forget (maybe some of the names of the guys) age took care of that. I was called "Smitty" or the "Village Rat" by some, you all know the Village!!!! The other cooks were George "Money Bags - Nick the Greek" Dactilus, William "Mack" Mc Closkey, James "Jim" Miller. I wish the best to all the Crazy Cats and my deepest sympathy to the families of those who are decease, I will never forget the Unit..." [15JAN2003]
SNIDER, CWO Lee Retired "...I served with the Crazy Cats (U.S. Army) (1970-1971) with George Kennedy, Marty Martinez, Bill Due, John Stanley, Josh Kaiser, Antonio V. Gonzales, Ramsey, Harris, Smitty, Bob Mables (Civilian), Bailey, Dick Prouty, Kilpatrick (General Patton recitals) and memory fades. Are we all fading away?..." [12JUL2011]
SOBEL, Howard G. "...I served with the First Radio Research Co. (Originally at HHC 224th) from July 1970 to April 1971 and worked the Orderly Room and later in Supply. I left April 1971 and was back at HHC 224th from January 1972 until the end in 1973. I retired from Army in 1990 and currently work as Defense Contractor in DC area supporting the National Missile Defense Program. Hope some of you will contact me..." [31OCT2010]
STANDLEY, MAJOR John M. Retired (Army) "...I served with the 1st Radio Research Company from 1971 to Arpil 1972. I had the honor of flying the last P2 home from Viet Nam to Ft. Rucker, AL with CWO John Heller and Major Josh Kaiser (Commander of the Unit). I flew the aircraft into Guthery Field in May of 1972, as I recall. Pround Unit and I was pleased to have served. Best wishes to all remaining members..." [24MAR2009]
STOUT, Robert "...I served with 1st Radio Research Company (03/1968-03/1969) as the Unit Supply Specialist and then the Unit Armoroer. I issued the flight gear for the missions. I retired from the military in 2001 and still have fond memories of the times we had at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. I was also the supply specialist the ordered the swimming pool and got the Seabees to install it..." [E-Mail Updated 10SEP2016 | 14DEC2007]
STRICKLAND, Tommy "...I would like to communicate with anyone with Crazy Cats at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam from 1968-1969. Was in US Army with 1st Radio Research Company..." [11AUG2000]
"...STUBBLEFIELD, CW3 Tom "Stubby"...( NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, 1st Radio Research Company and VP-49) Retired CW3 Tommy L. Stubblefield was fatally injured in a motorcycle accident in Lake Charles, Louisiana on March 5, 2008. He served his country in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War, later entering the Army and retiring in 1999 with the First Calvary in Fort Hood, Texas. He was a decorated Vietnam Veteran and loved serving his country. He is survived by his wife Wanda Stubblefield of San Antonio; two sons, Cody Stubblefield, also of San Antonio, and Tommy Nicola, his wife Stacy and their two children Troy and Grace of Corona, California; two daughters, Kristi Bass, her husband Erik Bass and their two children Lyndsi and Coy of Lawton, Oklahoma, and Kari Stubblefield of Austin, Texas; his brother, Joe Stubblefield and wife Candi Stubblefield; sisters, Kathy Ott and her husband Robert Ott, and Linda Frautschi, all of San Antonio; step-sister Cindy Gayle of Houston; step-brother Tommy Davis of Lubbock, TX; and his mother Naomi Livesay and step-mother Sylvia Stubblefield of Dimmitt, Texas. He was preceded in death by his father Ted Stubblefield; brother Jackie Davis; grandparents Fred and Goldia Stubblefield, Ina Mae McClanahan and Fred Southworth; and granddaughter Erika Bass. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorials be made to the Coalition to Salute America's Hero Foundation at (toll free) 888-447-2588 in honor of CW3 Tommy L. Stubblefield..." WebSite: Porter Loring Mortuary [28DEC2011]
STUBBLEFIELD, Tom "Stubby" "...My first assignment was at the NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam from 1968 to 1969. I was a PR (Parachute Rigger) and packed the first parachute at the new paraloft there. I was assigned for a short time to the 1st Radio Research Company to help get their survial equipment in order. The parachutes have not been repack or inspected for quit awhile and the life rafts had holes and missing supplies. My last assignment was with VP-49 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. Did two deployments to Iceland. I got out of the Navy in 1971. I went into the Army in 1981 and just retired August 1999 as a CW3. Would love to hear from anyone from NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam or VP-49..." [23DEC2000]
THOMASON, David L. "...Member of the original 1st RR Company forming in Ft. Benning, GA (Jan 1967), to Marana Air Park, AZ and on to Cam Rhan Bay...." [15DEC97]
THORNTON, Kenneth S. "...I served with the US Army 1st Radio Research Company (06/1968-09/1969) and flew as a Plane Captain..." [19MAR2016]
TIPPINS, CWO2 William M. "Mac" "...I served with the US Army's "Navy Unit," the 1st Radio Research Company (AVN) - the "Crazy Cats" - at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, from about February 1971 to October 1971. I was a RU-8D pilot, a SP2E relief pilot (3rd pilot on long missions), and Assistant Missions Operations Officer. I am now a retired airline captain and an aviation writer. I will be starting a new career this summer in a US Forest Service Fire Lookout Tower in the Deschutes National Forest in Oregon. Just like an airdale! Still looking out a window for something to happen! I'll be manning the East Butte Lookout in the Deschutes NF from late May until mid-October. I'll be active on all the ham radio bands all summer, especially 20-meters on 14.28 mHz USB and 10-meters PSK-31. My call is K9STR..." [05MAR2009]
TROTT, D. "...I served with the Crazy Cats from 1971 to 1972 and went to a Reunion in 1996. There is a bird that survived, don't remember the tail number, but the nose art was the "Burbank Boomerang." It is in the US Army Aviation Museum at Fort Rucker, Alabama. I spent my time with the 1st Radio Research putting avgas, oil and methenol in those birds. My most vivid memory is flying in one of them to NS Subic Bay, Philippines and back. I have a bunch of photos of the P2s and other aircraft that flew in and out of NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam - to include the prettiest 'super connie' I have ever seen - I believe it belong to the US Navy...." [25JUL2005]
VanWYNSBERGHE, Charlie "...I served with the Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Company (09/1970-09/1971) at NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam as an RP2E Electrician..." [16AUG2012]
VOIT, CW3 Bernard J. Retired "...I served with the Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Company (06/1969-06/1970) as a Unit Supply Specialist and worked at unit Armorer. I retired June 1988 as CW3 Pproperty Book Officer..." [26DEC2015]
WADLEY, Barney "...I served with the 1st Aviation Company (Radio Research) Crazy Cats from December 1970 to December 1971. Great bunch of guys in the Comm Shop..." [24AUG2010]
WHITE, William S. "...I served with the Crazy Cats (01/1970-12/16/1970). I was chosen to go to NAS Norfolk, Virginia to retrieve a P2 from PAR and fly it back to NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. I was promoted to SP-5 after we returned from NAS Norfolk, Virginia. My roommates were first David Redick and then Daniel Houfbaur..." [21DEC2019]
WHITAKER, Charles C. "...I served with the 1st Radio Research Co. (Crazy Cats) December 1967 to December 1968 NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. I was reading about VO-67 and was thinking about the connection with the 1st Radio Research Co. when I decided to search for my old unit. Needless to say I was excited to discover this site! I was with the first group to go to VP-31 NAS North Island, San Diego, California to be trained for maintainence on the R-3350 and the J-34 on the P2. When we were assigned there we had no idea what a P2 looked like! There were about ten of us Army guys on the whole base - talk about feeling out of place! But we were treated well and trained well. Our group was about 6 months behind the initial group that ferried the planes to VN. I spent the first 6 months working 14 hour nights 7 days a week in the engine shack and the last 6 months flying as a Plane Captain. I was given BUNO: 131492 - The Hog. Thinking about this brings back some great memories from the most exciting times in my life. I recognized a couple of names from your e-mails and am anxious to contact them. I hope others find this site and we can connect with each other again! Maybe we can all meet up again at "Mama's Place" in Caviti City, P.I. - Great Memories! Hope to hear from other Crazy Cats!..." [02DEC2003]
"Crazy Cat's/1st Radio Research Summary Page"