FAETU History
Circa 1966
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Fleet Air Wings On Patrol - Page 28 to 29 - Naval Aviation News - October 1966..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1960s/1966/oct66.pdf [07SEP2004]
Circa 1964
A BIT OF HISTORY: FAETUPAC History "...Summer 1964 - FAETUPAC Softball Team..." Contributed by ZAFRAN, LCDR Bob Retired vpfourever@gmail.com [09MAR2012]
Circa 1961
A BIT OF HISTORY: VU-1 History "...U.S. Navy photograph from May 1961. Photograph Caption: VU-1 helicopter is seen participating in survival rescue drills with FAETUPAC students off NAS Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii..." Contributed by LCDR Andrew Key akey@hawaii.rr.com [29JUN2008]
A BIT OF HISTORY: NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii "...Official U.S. Navy Photograph from July 1961. NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii served as location for local filming of the TV series on The Life of Doctor Chick Hennesey. Arthur Lyman and Eddy Sherman played the part of Navy men as TDAN Shari Teeter, attached to FAETUPAC, helps Eddy Sherman adjust his helmet as he stands by for a trip in the ejection seat trainer..." Contributed by KEY, LCDR Andrew Retired akey@hawaii.rr.com [25JAN2009]
Circa 1960
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...(FAETU (PACific/AtLANtic), VP-9, VP-19 and VP-47) - Naval Aeronautical Organization OPNAV NOTICE 05400 for Fiscal Year 1960 dated 1 February 1960 is: DECLASSIFIED per Office of Chief of Naval Operations on 1 February 1965 by Op-501 - Atlantic Fleet Support Stations..." WebSite: Naval Historical Center http://www.history.navy.mil/a-record/nao53-68/fy1960-feb60.pdf [11MAR2007] A BIT OF HISTORY: "...(FAETU (PACific/AtLANtic), FASRON-4, FASRON-110, VP-42, VP-46 and VP-48) - Naval Aeronautical Organization OPNAV NOTICE 05400 for Fiscal Year 1960 dated 1 February 1960 is: DECLASSIFIED per Office of Chief of Naval Operations on 1 February 1965 by Op-501 - Atlantic Fleet Support Stations..." WebSite: Naval Historical Center http://www.history.navy.mil/a-record/nao53-68/fy1960-feb60.pdf [11MAR2007]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...(FAETU (PACific/AtLANtic), FASRON-3, FASRON-102, VP-8, VP-24, VP-44 and VP-56) - Naval Aeronautical Organization OPNAV NOTICE 05400 for Fiscal Year 1960 dated 1 February 1960 is: DECLASSIFIED per Office of Chief of Naval Operations on 1 February 1965 by Op-501 - Atlantic Fleet Support Stations..." WebSite: Naval Historical Center http://www.history.navy.mil/a-record/nao53-68/fy1960-feb60.pdf [11MAR2007]
Circa 1956
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...War Dancer At FAETUPac- Page 31 - Naval Aviation News - May 1956..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1956/may56.pdf [09AUG2004]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...FAETULANT's New Course - Page 17 - Naval Aviation News - March 1956..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1956/mar56.pdf [08AUG2004]
Circa 1955
A BIT OF HISTORY: Squadron History "...Scouting Jacksonville Area Squadrons (Mentioned: FASRON-109, FAETU, FAW-11 and VP-5) - JAX AIR NEWS - VOL 13 - NO 28 - NAS Jacksonville, FL - 06 OCT 1955..." WebSite: University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries http://ufdc.ufl.edu/ [10FEB2011]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...FAETULANT School Of Survival Knowledge - Page 28 to 29 - Naval Aviation News - March 1955..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1955/mar55.pdf [03AUG2004]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...New ABC Trainer Unveiled - Page 22 - Naval Aviation News - January 1955..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1955/jan55.pdf [03AUG2004]
Circa 1951
A BIT OF HISTORY: FAETULANT History "...After becoming a Naval Aviator in March 1947 CDR Vernon F. ANDERSON reported to VP-21 where he was assigned as Electronics and Communications Officer. In January 1951 he reported to FAETULANT. CDR ANDERSON also served with VP-18 as Operations Officer in December 1961 until January 1962 when he became XO and in January 1963 he became CO..." Official U. S. Navy Documention [25DEC2012]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...PBY BUNO: 63997 USN History Card..." Contributed Ragnar J. Ragnarson ragsie@centrum.is [14FEB2007]- Accepted and Delivered 10MAY45
- In delivery at NAS Terminal Island, California MAY45
- Pool FAW-14 JUN-JUL45
- VPB-100 JUL-SEP45
- VJ-14 SEP-NOV45
- VJ-1 NOV45-OCT46
- Awaiting action NAS Pearl Harbor, Hawaii OCT46-JAN47
- Pool A&R NAS Pearl Harbor, Hawaii JAN-MAR47
- Pool NAS Alameda, California MAR-AUG47
- Pool NAF Philadelphia AUG47-APR48 (overhauled 16APR48)
- NART NAS Anacostia, Washington, D.C. APR-SEP48
- No record SEP48-MAR50
- NART NAS Squantum, Massachusetts [1950]
- O&R NAS North Island, San Diego, California 08APR50
- FAETUPAC, Det 2,NAS Whidbey Island, Washington 09APR51
- FAETUPAC NAS North Island, San Diego, California 03MAY51
- Storage NAF Litchfield Park, Arizona 30MAR53
- Stricken 20NOV56
- Total hours flown 1792.
| A BIT OF HISTORY: "...FAETUPac Gives ASW Course - Page 29 - Naval Aviation News - October 1951..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1951/oct51.pdf [25JUL2004]
Circa 1950
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...PBY BUNO: 63993 USN History Card..." Contributed Ragnar J. Ragnarson ragsie@centrum.is [11FEB2007]
Circa 1946
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Nose Wheel Mishap - Circa 1946..." Contributed by GOODELL, Billie N. goodkemp@aol.com [21OCT2006]
I finally got a set of orders cut for shore duty at BTU2 NAAS Corry Field, Pensacola, Florida. I was about ready to leave when the CO requested I report to his office. I walked in saluted and he had a big grin on his face. I knew he had something on his mind. Goodell, I know you are an old PBY man and we have one at O&R at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. We did not take warm clothes for it was supposed to be a short trip. When we arrived the PBY was ready but needed a test flight. We took off and flew about an hour and was hit by a huge snow storm. The pilot headed back to base before the runway got covered. He lowered the landing gear and i check them down and locked but no nose wheel. There is a emercency ratchet between the pilots. I reached for it and was told to get my ass back in the tower. He called for a emercency landing and I knew what was fixing to happen so I got reeady to turn off all switches soon as we hit. After smart butt slid to a stop I was already on the ground. I told the people that over hauled the plane that there was no reason the gear could not be lowered manually. So we spent another week before we could leave. I gave the CO a report when we got back and left for NAAS Corry Field, Pensacola, Florida.
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Fresno Trip - Circa 1946..." Contributed by GOODELL, Billie N. goodkemp@aol.com [20OCT2006]
I checked into FAETUPAC April 1946. FAETUPAC was using the Privateer (PB4Y-2) for training purposes. I felt right at home for the Privateer was one of my favorite planes. FAETUPAC was used to train officers in electronics. We flew four two hour flights a day when we were on the flight schedule. I was assigned to D19 my entire time with the squadron. The CO asks if my crew and me wanted to fly him and an inspecting party up to NAS Alameda, California. How could not say no. On the way up he ask me if the crew and I wanted to spend the night in Fresno, which was his hometown. Guess you know the answer. We got ready for a lay over in Fresno. Pretty soon he made a sharp left bank and lowered the landing gear and flaps. All I could see was a busy highway a grove of trees and three small piper cubs next to a small tower. Soon as he cleared the trees he sat her down hard at the end of a short airfield. As he turned to taxi to the tower the plane got slower as he put more power to the engines. We had broken through the asphalt and were completely mired. He cut the engines and soon there was a crowed around wanting to help. They got shovels and planks from somewhere and we started digging. The CO went to the tower to make reservations for the crew in town. I revved the engines but we only got deeper. Soon they showed up with a road scraper and pulled us out. I taxied to the tower cut engines inspected the gear for damage and refueled. Next morning we were on our way and got back to our base with out further problems even though we took a lot of ribbing.
Circa 1944
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...20JUL44: Fleet Airborne Electronics Training Units (FAETU) were established in the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets to train airborne early warning crews in the theory, operation and maintenance of their equipment...." http://www.history.navy.mil/branches/avchr5.htm [19NOV2000]
Circa Unknown Can you identify the Month and or Year?
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Following his graduation, Astronaut M. Scott Carpenter joined the Navy and received flight training from November 1949 to April 1951 at Pensacola, Florida and Corpus Christi, Texas. He spent three months in the Fleet Airborne Electronics Training School, San Diego, California, and was in a Lockheed P2V transitional training unit at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington..." http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/40thmerc7/carpenter.htm [19NOV2000]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Atlantic Fleet, previously known as Fleet Airborne Electronics Training Unit, Atlantic (FAETULANT), was originally located at Cape May, New Jersey with Detachments at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island; NAS Grosse ILE, Michigan; NAS Norfolk, Virginia; Sanford, Florida and Edenton, North Carolina. In January 1946, the headquarters component of FAETULANT was relocated to NAS Norfolk, Virginia. In 1949, the detachment at NAS Jacksonville, Florida was established.In June 1953, Commander Naval Air Force, United States Atlantic Fleet transferredred control of all Atlantic Fleet Training Aids Units to FAETULANT. The unit assumed administrative control of all fleet assigned operational flight trainers on the East coast, thereby consolidating control of fleet aviation ground training programs, making maximum utilization of equipment and support personnel. On 1 February 1972, FAETULANT's title was officially changed to Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Atlantic Fleet (FASOTRAGRULANT). The new title more accurately details the mission of the command, which includes familiarization, indoctrination and refresher training in the specialized operational and tactical employment of weapons systems and equipment as well as conducting survival, evasion, resistance and escape (SERE) training and other specialized training. Today, FASOTRAGRULANT Detachment Jacksonville, under the command of CDR Mary A. Crawford (Detachment Officer in Charge) continues training at NAS Jacksonville and maintains a small training site at Naval Station Mayport, providing specialized training to the HSL community. The detachment also provides audio-visual and computer repair support for area commands. The mission of the detachment remains to train and refresh fleet personnel (including personnel destined for fleet assignments) in the specialized operational employment of designated systems and equipment..." http://www.jax.sebt.daps.mil/faso/about.html [19NOV2000]
"FAETU Summary Page"