NAS Whidbey Island, Washington
Description: FS2004 Scenery for Whidbey NAS (KNUW) Washington. "...Although I am not in the military myself I have great respect and appreciation for those that have chosen the service as a way of life. One of my hobbies is the computer game Microsoft Flight Simulator. I have created a scenery to honor those flying out NAS Whidbey Island, Washington..." Contributed by John Stinstrom johnstinstrom@ispwest.com [24JUN2007]
Download: naswhidbey_01_24jun2007.zip
Catbird ETD
Description: Lockheed and Kawasaki P-3 Variants VQ-1 (EP-3E Aries II PR-32 and PR-33), CatBird (VP-3A) and NOAA (WP-3D Hurricane Hunter -N42RF) WebSite: http://flightinfo.ens.ne.jp/FS_KBT/p3variants.htm [22OCT2005]
Crazy Cats/1st Radio Research Company
Description: AP-2E Neptune "CEFLIEN LION" Crazy Cats/Army (ArmyNep.zip)
Download: cc_p2_01_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.simviation.com/ [31OCT2001]
Description: Lockheed and Kawasaki P-3 Variants VQ-1 (EP-3E Aries II PR-32 and PR-33), CatBird (VP-3A) and NOAA (WP-3D Hurricane Hunter -N42RF)..." WebSite: http://flightinfo.ens.ne.jp/FS_KBT/p3variants.htm [22OCT2005]
Description: FS2002 US Navy Lockheed WP-3D Orion operated by NOAA (wp-3d.zip)
Download: vpnoaa_p3_01_23apr2003.zip
WebSite: AVSIM http://avsim.com/ [23APR2003]
Portuguese Air Force
Description: FS98 Portuguese Air Force Lockheed P-3P Orion. 601 Squadron, Montijo Air Base (p3p-fapt.zip)
Download: paf_p3_01_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: SurClaro Flight Simulations http://surclaro.com/nuke/html/index.php [31OCT2001]
Canadian Forces Air Force
Description: FS98 SP2H Neptune RCAF. (neprcaf.zip)
Download: rcaf_p2_01_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.simviation.com/ [31OCT2001]
Royal Australian Air Force
Description: FS98 Lockheed P-3C RAAF Orion. (p-3craaf.zip)
Download: raaf_p3_01_02nov2001.zip
WebSite: FlightSimScenes http://www.j-dannenberg.de/ [02NOV2001]
U. S. Coast Guard
Description: FS2000/FS2002 US Coast Guard Lockheed P-3-C Orion. Full animation, Full lighting, working Bombay/w torpedoes and FS2K .air file (p3c-vis2.zip)
Download: cg_p3_01_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: SurClaro Flight Simulations http://surclaro.com/nuke/html/index.php [31OCT2001]
U. S. Customs
Description: FS2000/FS2002 U. S. Customs Lockheed P-3 "Sentinal". Four-engine turboprop Surveillance Aircraft. Full animation, Full lighting, working IRDS turret, working APU door and FS2K Turboprop .air file. Also the ability to shut down Engine 1 or 4 inflight in the feathered position. All engines shut down normally (non-feathered) on the ground. (p3sen.zip)
Download: customs1_p3_01_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: SurClaro Flight Simulations http://surclaro.com/nuke/html/index.php [31OCT2001]
Description: FS98 US Navy Lockheed P-3C Orion operated by VP-11 based at NAS Brunswick, Maine (p-3cvp1.zip)
Download: vp11_p3_01_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: SurClaro Flight Simulations http://surclaro.com/nuke/html/index.php [31OCT2001]
Description: P-3-C Orion VP-30 (Version 3 Final) for Flight Simulator 2000 (p3cver3.zip)
Download: vp30_p3_01_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.simviation.com/ [31OCT2001]
Description: FS2000/CFS2 Consolidated PBY-5A VP-54, "Black Cats" (PBY5a2k.zip)
Download: vp54_pby_01_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.simviation.com/ [31OCT2001]
Description: FS98 USN PBY-6A Catalina (vp62pby6.zip)
Download: vp-62_pby_01_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.simviation.com/ [31OCT2001]
Description: FS95 Lockheed P3 Orion - Flown by VP-66 Willow Grove (vp66p395.zip)
Download: vp66_p3_01_01nov2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.flightsimnetwork.com/flightsim-developers/download.html [01NOV2001]
Description: Lockheed and Kawasaki P-3 Variants VQ-1 (EP-3E Aries II PR-32 and PR-33), CatBird (VP-3A) and NOAA (WP-3D Hurricane Hunter -N42RF)..." WebSite: http://flightinfo.ens.ne.jp/FS_KBT/p3variants.htm [22OCT2005]
Description: FS2002 VQ-1 Super Constellation (vq1_c121.zip)
Download: vq1_ec121_01_24apr2003.zip
Contributed by Rick Wooton rwooton@charter.net [24APR2003]
Description: FS98 Lockheed S3 Viking - Viking of VS-41 in 1976 (s3vs98.zip)
Download: vs41_s3_01_01nov2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.flightsimnetwork.com/flightsim-developers/download.html [01NOV2001]
Description: FS2002 US Navy Lockheed Willie Victor operated by VW-1 BUNO: 145939 A/C #9 (wv2.zip)
Download: vw1_ec121_01_23apr2003.zip
Contributed by Rick Wooton rwooton@charter.net [23APR2003]
Miscellaneous Consolidated PBY Catalina
Description: FS98 Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina (uspby.zip)
Download: pby_01_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.simviation.com/ [31OCT2001]
Download: pby_02_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.simviation.com/ [31OCT2001]
Description: FS98/FS2000 Consolidated XPBY-5A US Navy, 1939 (2kxpby5a.zip)
Download: pby_03_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.simviation.com/ [31OCT2001]
Description: FS98 Convair PBY-5A, US Navy (usncat.zip)
Download: pby_04_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.simviation.com/ [31OCT2001]
Description: FS98 Consolidated PBY-5A (catclub.zip)
Download: pby_05_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.simviation.com/ [31OCT2001]
Miscellaneous Lockheed P2 Neptune
Description: FS2000/FS2002 Military French Aeronavale Neptune P2V-7. Aircraft with all moving part, include flaps, rudder, elevators, and many more. The left pilot's head follows the orientation of the rudder. (neptune2.zip)
Download: french_p2_01_31oct2001.zip
WebSite: SurClaro Flight Simulations http://surclaro.com/nuke/html/index.php [31OCT2001]
Miscellaneous Lockheed EC-121 Constellation
Description: FS95 Lockheed Constellation Military - The EC-121RS version of the Lockheed Super Constellation ()
Download: ec121_01_01nov2001.zip
WebSite: Simulation http://www.flightsimnetwork.com/flightsim-developers/download.html [01NOV2001]