VP-30VR CNO Crew
CREWs: "...CNO flight crew circa 1988-1991. picture was taken at ADM Trost's home. The event was honoring CDR Mike Mcquiston aka MAD DOG on his upcoming retirement. Crew from left to right: AFCM Chuck Stivers, AT1 Craig Johnson, AVCM Steve Long, ADMIRAL Trost (CNO), Mrs. Pauline Trost, AEC Keith Vess, CDR Mike Mcquiston, CDR Joseph Mcdougall, MSC Barb Peterson, AMH2 William Ruane, MSCM Sam Sembrano, and last but not least "Cinnamon" Trost..." Contributed by AM1(AW/NAC) Bill Ruane billyru@naswhidbey.net [16FEB2002]
CREWs: "...April 1992 L-R: Larry Christner, Don Walston, Barry Mello, CNO ADM Frank B. Kelso, Duane Southerland, Rick Harvey, Paul Waeghe, Jr., and Keith Vess..." Contributed by Paul J. Waeghe, AFCM pjwaeghe@bellsouth.net [27FEB98]
"VP-30VR CNO Summary Page"